Two Schools. Two Countries. One Mission

Connect globally. Thrive Locally.
History of Saluda Sister City
Saluda, NC and Carunchio, Italy were officially joined as Sister Cities in 2015. The towns have amazing similarities….approximately the same population numbers and dynamics, same altitude and same latitude. What began as visits by Saludians to Carunchio’s fabulous Palazzo Tour D’Eau, a restored 1700’s French Palace built by wealthy vintners, turned into a love affair between the two peoples. Both cities have elementary schools, and the schools and children have connected in ways that enhance the understanding of different cultures, introduce new foods, foster friendships, and offer opportunities for art and creative expression. The children exchange books, letters, drawings, videos, emails and stories about their lives, schools and towns. We provide Saluda Elementary with needed supplies and events to enhance their learning of other cultures.

The Focus of Saluda Sister City
Our children are our future!
Our primary focus is on the children of Saluda Elementary and Carunchio elementary. We find ways to connect the children by pen pals; a shared website; exchanges of drawings, letters and internet communications; sharing of school materials and more. We provide materials to both schools to introduce the students to different cultures, and provided over 200 pounds of English-language children’s books to Carunchio. The larger Saluda community gets involved with art and culture displays of things “Carunchio,” special italian food events, a display in the visitor center and in City Hall, regular articles in the "Saluda Lifestyles” newsletter, visits to Saluda from cCarunchio mayor and citizens, Displays at community events, etc.

Student Exchange Program
Each summer a student journeys "across the pond” to spend time in their Sister city. In Saluda, students are housed with families in the town and various famlies take them on excursions to explore the beautiful mountain environment. Our first student, Benedetta Formisano, spent six weeks in Saluda in 2017. The covid slowed us down until 2023 when Claire Thompson travelled to Carunchio and spent a week in the Palazzo Tour D’Eau with its cooking school and Abruzzo touring, four days each with the mayor’s family and the truffle hunter’s family. Then Benedetta took Claire on a whirlwind train trip around Italy. In 2024, Saluda hosted Marta Pignatelli and Nora Criscio.

Saluda Sister City in the News
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